Ответы на аудирование по английскому языку 11 класс беларусь

Английский язык, 11 класс, Тексты для аудирования. Сейчас Вы будете выполнять задания по аудированию. Каждый текст прозвучит 2 раза. После первого и второго прослушивания у Вас будет время для выполнения и проверки заданий. Все паузы включены в аудиозапись. Остановка и повторное воспроизведение аудиозаписи не предусмотрены.

Ответы к обязательному экзамену по английскому ящыку. 11 класс. Чтение и аудирование. Экзамен по английскому языку класс. . Все ответы 25 билетов+​полноценный текст аудирования Люди надо ответы по аудированию 18 билет. 2.

We can find information about wonderful nature of Belarus, its rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions. These are the wonderful nature of Belarus, its rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions, and of course Belarusian people. Билет 2 Unesco World Heritage List 1. They speak about the disadvantages of modern schools. They also share with us their ideas about what should be done to make schools better for studying. The children want to change many aspects at school: some of them want to change the impersonal attitude of some teachers; some children want the freedom to ask questions and get help to find answers and some of them think that schools should develop creativity and dreams and not try to make everyone normal. The children want more freedom to ask questions and learn more from their experience.

Экзамены и экзаменационные билеты по Английскому языку

Ответы к обязательному экзамену по английскому ящыку. Чтение и аудирование. It is about beauty of our motherland Belarus, its nature and traditions. The author is proud of being Belarusian and loves our country. He is proud of its wonderful nature, rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions and its people. If he were a talented painter, he would draw pictures with its beautiful landscapes, if he could compose verses, he would write lyric poems.

Ответы к экзамену по английскому языку в 11 классе (Беларусь 2018) (чтение и аудирование)

We can find information about wonderful nature of Belarus, its rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions. These are the wonderful nature of Belarus, its rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions, and of course Belarusian people.

Билет 2 Unesco World Heritage List 1. They speak about the disadvantages of modern schools. They also share with us their ideas about what should be done to make schools better for studying. The children want to change many aspects at school: some of them want to change the impersonal attitude of some teachers; some children want the freedom to ask questions and get help to find answers and some of them think that schools should develop creativity and dreams and not try to make everyone normal.

The children want more freedom to ask questions and learn more from their experience. They are sure that has the right to be free and choose what to be and what not to be. This text is about a girl Anna and her experience of writing in a diary. Anna tells about close people she has and about true reasons why she started keeping a diary. She also has a bunch of admirers. She has a family, loving aunts and a good home. Билет 5 Be kind and stay safe 1. This text is about how to stay safe online.

We can find some useful tips on being safe in the Internet. We can also learn about Safer Internet Day and its aims. And if we see something online that worries or upsets us, we should tell an adult. Safer Internet Day tries to help people to use the Internet correctly. It is organized to promote safe and responsible use of online technology and mobile phones.

Билет 6 Christmas Tree This text is about a very close-knit family, who tried to save the Christmas tree as long as they could so that their beloved family member Clifton could see it and enjoy Christmas. All the family members tried to save the Christmas tree as long as they could. Every day they took turns sweeping pine needles and moved the ornaments to the stronger branches on the tree. They managed to keep the tree till March.

These facts show that all the family loved Clifton very much. Билет 7 The Condemned Room 1. This text is about a girl Sam and her messy room. She was always getting the Condemned sign. Her brother hardly ever did. And his room was really disgusting, with posters of rock stars and basketball stars and movie stars wearing tiny bikinis covering every inch of his walls. But, her mother pointed out, his floor was clean and his desk as well. That was all she cared about. Билет 8 Great grandad 1.

This text is about authors problems with algebra. We can also find out what the author discovered about her Grandad. He compared algebra with PE. He explained the use of the subject in a simple way. He was fascinated by riddles and codes and labyrinths4, by the origin of place names, by grammar, by slang, by jokes, by anything that might mean something else.

She discovered Her Grandad. We can find information about the benefits of the computers. We can also find out how technological means of communication help businessmen. And there are also some thoughts about misusing the technologies. They save valuable time and space. In addition, with immediate access to the Internet, we can always keep up with global and current issues and explore the world from the comfort of our homes.

For those working in the world of business, life would be much more difficult as it would take much longer to get in touch with other companies and to come to agreement on important matters. Many people spend hours just chatting about silly, unimportant things or looking through sites for no special reason even at work. Card 10 1. This text is about family.

The author explains what makes a successful family, what unites family, makes families strong, how to be healthy and happy. Nothing unites a family more than its traditions which include different norms, ways of behavior, customs and views.

In united families these traditions are deep-rooted and passed from generation to generation. That varies from family to family. Families with young children usually spend most of their time together because young children need a great deal of physical care and guidance.

Families with teenagers may spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with their friends. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members. Card 11 1. We can read about his life, about the three types of men according to Pythagoras. Furthermore, they wanted to involve Pythagoras in local politics against his will.

There are three types of men: those who love wisdom, those who love honour and those who love wealth Card12 1. This text is about the most famous female pilot ever, Amelia Earhart. We find out how she got interested in flying, that she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo, the only person to have flown it twice and she established a new transatlantic crossing record of 13 hours and 30 minutes. One day Amelia received an invitation to be the first woman ever to make the flight across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain.

Amelia became famous because she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo, the only person to have flown it twice and she established a new transatlantic crossing record of 13 hours and 30 minutes.

Understandably, she became even more famous as a result earning respect for women pilots all over the world by proving that women could fly as well as men, if not better. Сards 13-19 Card13 1. The aim of building cycle tracks is to motivate people to use their bicycles instead of their cars. And some companies have already introduced a plan where those who carpool get preferential parking in the company garage.

Card 14 1. We find out how he became famous and why people liked him. And of course, he is a talented song writer, camera man, actor and singer. Card 15 1. This text is about how to make your home greener, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We find out how to save energy. The first things we can do are simple and easy. We can block up draughts2, switch off unnecessary lights and make sure cold and hot water taps are not left running. The next step requires more planning and some expense, but as well as saving energy, we will also save on bills.

Many homes have window and roof insulation3 but it is rarely enough. Full insulation can have a dramatic effect on energy consumption. We should use energy efficient light bulbs. Also, thermal solar panels are very efficient. They are capable of providing all the hot water you need.

At present water used to flush the toilets is of the same drinkable quality that comes out of the taps. This is an unnecessary waste of energy used in water purification. We find out why Wemmick calls himself Jack of all Trades. I later heard it. Immediately, it made an impressive sound. He likes to do everything himself.

Card17 1. Paragraph 2 3. One day in 1946 Sister Teresa was riding on a train to Darjeeling5. She looked out of the window and saw dirty children wearing rags and sleeping in doorways.

Sick and dying people were lying on dirty streets. At that moment, she believed God sent her a message. From that moment she decided s to devote her life to people in need. She started homes for children without families. She also started clinics. Many people sent her donations of money, others came to work with her. By 1990 the Missionaries of Charity were working in 400 centres around the world. This text is about the famous painting the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The portrait seems alive and real.

Английский язык, 11 класс, Тексты для аудирования

Listen to the story about a girl and answer the questions below. Why was Whitney worried about going to college? And she has no idea how she was going to make friends.

Выпускной экзамен по английскому языку: как проходит, где найти билеты и полезные фразы

Вопросы для беседы по ситуации общения разрабатываются педагогическими работниками учреждения общего среднего образования и утверждаются его руководителем не позднее чем за две недели до начала выпускного экзамена. X класс базовый уровень. X класс повышенный уровень. Read the newspaper opinion column and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about. Are you proud of being Belarusian? I am Belarusian because my parents who gave me life and brought me up are Belarusian. And what if I were born in a different country on a different continent? In my opinion, a sense of pride in your country, a sense of belonging to a particular nation develops in a person with time. Therefore at my age, by the way I am 18, I can say quite positively, that I am proud to live in Belarus.

ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: ТЕСТ НА АУДИРОВАНИЕ Понимаешь ли ты английский на слух?

Ответы к экзамену по английскому языку в 11 классе. (РБ. 2018) (Чтение и аудирование)


Скачать Аудиоприложение к пособию «Материалы для подготовки к обязательному выпускному экзамену по английскому языку по Класс: 11 класс. Материалы аудиоприложения к пособию «Билеты для проведения выпускного экзамена по учебному предмету «Английский язык» по завершении. Выпускной экзамен по английскому языку: как проходит, где найти билеты и полезные Тебе предстоит пройти аудирование, беседу по прочитанному тексту и на предложенную тему. Давай развёрнутые ответы, опираясь на содержание прочитанного. Экзамен по истории Беларуси после 11 класса.


Экзамен по английскому языку.11 класс.Переводы.


Материалы к выпускному экзамену по английскому языку


Материалы к экзамену по английскому языку 2018 год




ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Экзамен английского языка
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  1. Ким

    Портал отличный, все бы такие!

  2. Аким


  3. Елена

    Захватывающе. Зачет! и ниипет!

  4. Клавдия

    Мне нравятся Ваши посты

  5. meltlutheju

    Я считаю, что Вы не правы. Давайте обсудим это. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемся.

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