«Тихая обитель» — пейзаж русского художника Исаака Левитана (—), написанный в году. Картина является частью собрания. Описание картины Тихая обитель. Автор Исаак Ильич Левитан. Выполнена в году. Картина находится в Третьяковской галерее.
Холст, масло. При первом взгляде на картину зритель чувствует, что автор словно бы соскучился по родным просторам, с такой силой, любовью и нежностью он воссоздает на полотне приволжскую обитель. Монастырь отгорожен от мира Волгой, лишь тонкие и шаткие мостки соединяют его с суетой и хлопотливостью светского мира. В розоватых лучах восходящего солнца, когда ничто не нарушает тишину вокруг, утопающий в зелени монастырь выглядит особенно торжественно и спокойно. Легкие, пугливые облака на утреннем небе спешат освободить место свету, после короткой летней ночи. Отражение обители в медленной и ленивой речной воде создает особый ритм работы, позволяет зрителю снова и снова возвращаться к деталям шедевра и настраивает на спокойное созерцание великолепного русского пейзажа.
Описание картины Исаака Левитана «Тихая обитель»
It was after her about Levitan spoke not just as an accomplished artist as master and exponent of the national spirit. Blissful quiet evening down on the river and the grove, hiding in its little green skit. Inks are transparent and clean — you even a minute mistake to decide what is in front of us early in the morning. Over the river stretch of rickety wooden bridges. Think will go for him, found himself under the shadow of an ancient monastery and all the misfortunes and sorrows, all are sinners and vanity will remain far behind.Тихая обитель Левитан
It was after her about Levitan spoke not just as an accomplished artist as master and exponent of the national spirit. Blissful quiet evening down on the river and the grove, hiding in its little green skit. Inks are transparent and clean — you even a minute mistake to decide what is in front of us early in the morning. Over the river stretch of rickety wooden bridges.
Think will go for him, found himself under the shadow of an ancient monastery and all the misfortunes and sorrows, all are sinners and vanity will remain far behind. In the troubled decades bezveselniy "Quiet abode" was seen as a rare symbol of the "Russian grace". Archiv collected documents and interesting facts about one of the most famous paintings of Levitan. To find out what made Benoit so bored but seriously — to appreciate the context in which first appeared to the public "Quiet abode" , we looked in the catalogue of the nineteenth exhibition of the society and, indeed, there in abundance and we showed coats, and "greased boots".
For example, in one year, "a Quiet abode" was exhibited genres Vasily Maximov "After mass" and "By his stripes" , painting "The cranes are flying" friend Levitan, Alexei Stepanov with a Horde of peasant children in sandals and coats, "The capture of snow town in Siberia" Vasily Surikov, "Rustic painter" Abram Arkhipov, "Waiting for the best man" Illarion Pryanishnikov, the now-forgotten peasant painting young Bogdanov-Belsky and a lot of other bytopisatelya painting.
These works are very different, United by peculiar Wanderers socio-accusatory trend, so that the world expert Benoit had reason to wince in disgust. Painting Levitan, as they are typically referring to Russian realities, on the contrary, gave a sense of the harmony of the world order.
How did the "Quiet abode" the audience? Judging by the memoirs and biographical literature, with enthusiasm. Told that front of the painting thoughtfully for a long time there were two writer — the young Czechs and the old too, when they were joined by the third, Alexei Pleshcheev, who reported that Levitan painting — on the lips of all educated in Moscow. Newspapers and, more recently, suspecting that Levitan as an artist, "out", "wiped out", forgetting the old, excitedly blew that a brilliant landscape painter had just reached the Prime of his talent.
Preserved the epistolary evidence — a letter of Anton Chekhov, his sister Masha on March 16, 1891: "I was at the traveling exhibition. Levitan celebrating the birthday of his great Muse. His painting produces a sensation. As melancholic Levitan managed to achieve in the "Quiet abode" the ultimate tranquility?
The mood of the picture, indeed, was given Levitan is not immediately. Located in the state when "all cheerful" to him, who was called the singer of sorrow and longing, it was possible quite often. Friend Levitan Sophia Kuvshinnikova, told how during the second half of 1880-x years, he and Levitan came to the sketches of Zvenigorod, in Savvino Settlement — an area with marvelous views of the bend of the Moskva river, a sort of "Russian Barbizon" — but here the artist was overtaken by another bout of his characteristic morbid melancholy.
Finally I convinced Levitan to leave the house, and we walked along the shore of the pond, along the mountain monastery. The evening was drawing on... Spellbound, he stood and watched as slowly more and more were rosy in the rays of the heads of monastic churches, and I happily noticed in the eyes of Levitan familiar flame of passion.
Levitan sure there was a fracture, and when we came back to himself, he was already a different person. Again he turned to bliznetsam in the twilight monastery and said thoughtfully: — Yes, I believe it will give me ever the big picture". So, "Quiet abode" - a picturesque impression of the suburbs? Unlike many of his full-scale works, this painting Levitan is not a "portrait" of a specific location — rather it summarizes the experiences of Levitan from different locations.
Having received the first strong impetus for the painting in Moscow, Levitan was not written conceived of the picture — he only remembered that the sense of peace that has replaced the depression, and the foretaste of happiness. But to "silent monastery" was born, it took a few years, the journey Levitan and Sofia Kuvshinnikova on the Volga life in the picturesque Volga ples, forwarding attacks in other settlements of the Volga, until one day, near the town of Yuryevets Levitan did not see the Krivoozersky the monastery and finally felt he needed a motive.
About where Levitan "wrote off" the tower, experts have long argued. For example, the biographer Levitan Sophia prorokova convinced that this belfry Levitan seen on Cathedral hill in ples, and the art historian Alexei Fedorov-Davydov argued that it is, rather, the bell tower of the resurrection Church in the village of Reshma near Kineshma.
At the other points of view has its supporters. Often the success of a landscape can be determined by the fervor of debate about what the countryside and the realities reflected in it the artist. The literary description of the "Quiet abode" Chekhov — a step towards reconciliation with Levitan?
As it seemed both forever. In the foreground the river, the log bridge across the river footpath, disappearing into the dark grass field, then on the right a piece of woods, near the campfire: must be the night guard.
And burns away the evening glow. Julia imagined how she goes over the bridge, then footpath, farther and farther, and all around quiet, sleepy cry Dergachi, away flashing fire. And for some reason suddenly she began to feel that these same cloud, which stretches along the red part of the sky and the forest and field she had seen for a long time and a lot of times, she felt lonely, and wanted her to go, go and go along the footpath; and where were sunset, rested a reflection of something unearthly, eternal.
In 1895, the year of Levitan and Chekhov have restored relations. This is not a copyright copy, and the picture was made "on motives". Levitan changed the composition, instead of the bridge from the "Quiet abode" here is boats and floating ferry with pilgrims, there are other small differences, however, these paintings viewers are often confused.
Author: Anna Yesterday.
Тихая обитель
Конечно, красивые и живописные уголки можно встретить чаще всего в горах или вблизи рек. Ведь не случайно Левитан для своей работы выбрал именно эту местность. Автор хотел, чтобы в картине все было живыми органичным, поэтому и писал ее так, что были выделены мелкие черты картины.
Картина "Тихая обитель", Исаак Левитан, 1890
История[ править править код ] В марте 1890 года Левитан отправился в свою первую зарубежную поездку. За два месяца он побывал в Германии , Франции и Италии. После возвращения в Россию вместе с художницей Софьей Кувшинниковой он поехал на Волгу , где провёл лето и осень, посетив Плёс , Юрьевец и Кинешму [4]. Софья Кувшинникова рассказывала, сравнивая с более ранними впечатлениями от вида Саввино-Сторожевского монастыря под Звенигородом [6] [7] : Левитан поехал из Плёса в Юрьевец в надежде найти там новые мотивы и, бродя по окрестностям, вдруг наткнулся на ютившийся в рощице монастырёк. Он был некрасив и даже неприятен по краскам, но был такой же вечер, как в Саввине: утлые лавы, перекинутые через речку, соединяли тихую обитель с бурным морем жизни, и в голове Левитана вдруг создалась одна из лучших его картин, в которой слились и саввинские переживания, и вновь увиденное, и сотни других воспоминаний. Левитан празднует именины своей великолепной музы. Его картина производит фурор. Его картины стали охотно экспонировать на выставках, и их покупали за хорошую цену, в результате чего заметно улучшилось материальное положение художника.
ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Описание картины Исаака Левитана «Тихая обитель» обзорSilent abode
Левитан Тихая обитель Левитан написал этот прекрасный пейзаж в 1890 году, как раз после своей пенсионной поездки по Европе, где художник возможно скучал по родным местам и после приезда с превеликим воодушевлением взялся за работу. Сюжет картины умиротворяет своим восприятием и романтизмом, чувствуется вечерняя тишина располагающая к отдыху и размышлению. Очень правдоподобно художник передал почти безветренную гладь воды в которой живописно отражается зеленая растительность противоположного берега вместе с монастырскими церквами. Картина Тихая обитель была продемонстрирована художником на 19 передвижной выставке художников передвижников и получила много лестных отзывов современников Левитана, среди которых был известный живописец Бенуа А.
Исаак Левитан. Тихая обитель. Холст, масло. 87 x Третьяковская Галерея, Москва, Россия. Левитан и в году, и позднее, оказываясь на. Продолжительность: Одним из величайших шедевров Левитана стала созданная вскоре после возвращения из первой заграничной поездки картина "Тихая обитель".
ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: 028. Исаак Левитан - Тихая обитель
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