Step 4 английский язык 2 класс

По крайней мере, в началке. Сначала тоже показалось, что материала многовато. В прошлом учебном году вела два параллельных класса по нему. В одном вообще превосходно - и читают бегло, и "поговорить" могут выученными фразами, и слова запоминают.

Решение задачи(задания) номер 4 step 4 к рабочей тетради по английскому языку rainbow english за 2 класс авторов Афанасьева, Михеева. ГДЗ готовые домашние задания рабочей тетради по английскому языку 2 класс Афанасьева Михеева Rainbow English ФГОС решебник от Путина.

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рыдаю, но преподаю. УМК Rainbow English.

Афанасьевой, М. Учебник соответствует ФГОС и предназначен для учащихся 2 -11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. На мой взгляд, это довольно удачная серия, особенно для младших школьников 2-4 класс. В рабочей тетради есть много заданий, где нужно и можно раскрашивать рисунки, придумывать имена героям и так далее. Посмотрите сами. Во втором классе дети почти сразу начинают учить буквы и читать с ними слова. Также они изучают звуки и транскрипцию изученных букв.

Рабочая программа 2 класс. УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеева И. В. Rainbow English

Step in the right direction. Multipurpose Karakurt Project PLO December 26 2019 244 Here it is, "Big Karakurt" On this occasion, "Russia 24" made short report , during which "lit up" the project, which previously was not worth talking out loud.

But now they say. The same frame We are talking about a multi-purpose corvette based on the 22800 Karakurt project - in fact, an enlarged Karakurt in size with enhanced air defense and the ability to fight against submarines. About how this ship was supposed to be from the very beginning. A little background. Putin, led to the appearance in the fleet of cruise missiles "Caliber", the Navy acquired their carriers in the most irrational way possible - by building specialized "missile gunboats" such as "Buyan-M", with non-localized imported diesels, lack of target designation system and "no" seaworthiness.

These ships could somehow accomplish a very narrow range of tasks, and only one task is good - to strike cruise missiles at stationary ground-based mostly targets.

In the war against an enemy with a combat-capable fleet, their survival was and remains a huge question - neither the attack of the submarine, even the most antediluvian, nor an air strike, even from a helicopter, these ships can survive. Their first combat use was, in a sense, a surprise, but the defectiveness of such ships was always clear to experts - cruise missiles could well be on some multi-purpose ships capable of performing a wide range of tasks, moreover, Russia then had such ships now, just a little.

An example is project 20385 corvettes 2 units , project 11356 frigates 3 units , project 6363 Varshavyanka submarines 7 units, 5 under construction and project 22350 frigates 2 units, 4 under construction.

These ships were and still remain necessary to cover the deployment of our submarines and to prevent their execution by the enemy at the stage of leaving the bases. I must say that this threat is real. Only very recently, the US Navy began to reduce its presence in the Avacha Gulf, ceasing to provide continuous presence of a hunter submarine there at any time. True, from April 2018, the Japanese took up the shift and now they are on duty there.

They were found extremely rarely and accidentally, then they always lost, it did not work to establish any long-term tracking or to find the places where they charged the Navy. Today they are not on duty there, but the upcoming renewal of the Norwegian submarine starting in 2020 will make such operations very easy, and taking into account the wild anti-Russian hysteria in the West, it is also desirable for political forces and groups ruling in NATO countries.

In modern conditions, such a defense in the BMZ is provided by surface ships, non-nuclear submarines, anti-submarine aircraft, and underwater lighting equipment. In Russia, neither anti-submarine aircraft nor anti-submarine helicopters are mass-produced. FOSS has failed, and today Russia does not have a working system. Non-nuclear, or rather diesel-electric Varshavyanka are produced, and this is the only thing that works well for us - but the fact is that they are outdated and, in general, ousting enemy submarines from the defended area from the defensive area by technical missile forces is impossible.

DEPL is a means of execution "from an ambush", and no more. In the conditions of such a failure on all fronts, there was only one option left - to cover the near sea zone from enemy submarines using surface ships. Together with the remaining bits and pieces of anti-submarine aircraft, and the existing diesel-electric submarines, a large number of modern surface ships with good anti-submarine capabilities could partially compensate for the weakness of the rest of the submarine.

With this approach, coverage would be critical - since we have no other means, and the submarine has an advantage in the detection range of a surface ship, there would really be a lot of such surface ships. And certainly the permeability of the KPUG areas of action from such ships for enemy submarines would be near-zero. Yes, and the chances of destroying the enemy submarine in such ships in any case would be non-zero.

Thus, the BMZ defense required in our current conditions a large number of multipurpose ships with developed capabilities in the part of anti-aircraft defense.

Alas, instead of them, Russia "crazy" built RTOs. But the problem of PLO became more and more acute every year - the state of combatant MPC is getting worse and worse, and there are too few corvettes built, and new ones are not being laid, yes, to be honest, they turned out to be expensive. With our budget, it may be very difficult to close such an entire BMZ, or it will have to be done at the expense of all the other needs of the Navy. We need more budgetary solutions - massive, simple and cheap, such that the gaping failure in our anti-submarine defense could be closed in a matter of years.

At the same time, the United States withdrew from the agreement on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles, which ultimately put the construction of rocket gunboats beyond common sense.

There were also projects of ships capable of replacing RTOs with themselves, and conducting effective anti-submarine defense at the same time. So, Zelenodolsk Design Bureau has a very interesting project based on the hull from the ship of Project 11661. Yes, even to the giant corvette overgrowth 20386. Somewhere "high", apparently, an awareness of the problem began, and in 2019, rumors began to leak from the abyss of naval ideas and concepts that the IPC 1124 Albatros would be repaired and modernized.

This, of course, had to be done many years ago. But this is not enough. And he appeared. We will analyze this ship in more detail. Multipurpose "Super Karakurt" The author is in a certain difficulty, since it is simply impossible to write about a lot that is connected with the project, and until last Tuesday it was not worth highlighting it.

Therefore, even those things that are obvious and known will be written in a "presumptive" manner. About a lot of things you just have to keep silent. We look at the model. The hull of the ship was developed on the basis of the hull of the Karakurt RTO, with an elongated central part.

Behind it, as with the RTOs, a 3C-14 vertical launch missile launcher was installed, used to launch anti-ship missiles, long-range cruise missiles and PLUR. Theoretically, such a ship could even use Zircon, when receiving external target designation. Then the differences begin. On the model, when viewed in dynamics, one more installation of vertical start is traced.

Given the clearly visible Positive-M radar, it can only be the Redut air defense system, the same one that is installed on corvettes 20380, 20385 and 20386, as well as on frigates of project 22350. True, it is controlled by Positive. It remains to regret that some similarly simplified RLC did not find a place on the corvette 20385, this would radically reduce the cost of the ship.

With such a radar of the Redut air defense system, inside the zone in which Positive-M can detect air targets, it will work better than on the corvette 20380. It is also seen that, unlike the Karakurt, the exhaust of the power plant of this ship is brought up.

This is necessary for an anti-submarine ship, since the discharge of the exhaust into the water seriously interferes with the operation of the under-hinged ASU. At the stern, the round top of the AK-630 anti-aircraft artillery complex is clearly visible, apparently even the AK-630M, which is responsible for air defense from the aft corners. The ship is explicitly equipped with a wing-mounted GAS - it is clearly visible on the model. This means that it is possible to search for submarines on the go without a towed GAS issued.

The latter is on all available multipurpose ships of Russian production, which means it is here. Omitted GAS for work "on foot", which is a very effective search method, on small anti-submarine ships is a long-standing Russian tradition, which means that it will be here as well. Thus, this ship in its anti-submarine capabilities even surpasses the corvettes of projects 20380, 20385 and was not born until 20386 in many respects.

The disadvantage is the lack of a helicopter, but more on that later. With a close increase and giving the pictures additional sharpness, symmetrically installed PU of the Package-NK complex are visible at the stern. Thus, the ship can protect itself from torpedoes of enemy submarines and itself can hit submarines with a 324 mm torpedo.

The most important thing that makes this ship attractive for mass construction is the main power plant. It was created on the basis of the power plant of the Karakurt MRK, with additional measures to reduce noise. When the Karakurt began to build, it turned out that the supplier of diesel engines for the series of this ship, the St.

Enterprise degradation has gone very far. Since the ship does not have systems with a long production cycle, this means that such ships can be built at two units per year. And this is a very real figure - a contractor like Pella would have mastered such a pace with such ships. Moreover, there is a likelihood that when these ships are launched into series, it will turn out to be realistic to reach three sets, which will allow to build and even surrender three such corvettes every year.

As a result, taking into account the already constructed and under construction 20380 and 20385, the BMZ PLO can be closed somewhere in five years - faster than building one 20380. The design of the ship is such that it can be built almost everywhere - at the Pella, at the NEA, and in Zelenodolsk no matter how offensive the engineers and designers at ZPKB , in the future, even at the Gulf - but in general where. The availability of power plants and the simplicity of design, the use of only serial ship systems with a short production cycle guarantees fast construction time - a few years on the ship.

It is more fully possible that such an OVR corvette will be comparable in terms of construction time with the Varshavyanka submarine, of which 23 units have been built over the past 28 years. There are no obstacles for this today.

Project Evaluation This project cannot be said to be perfect - for example, the absence of a bomb is a serious minus. RBU is the only way to "get" the submarine lying on the ground, there are no others. For some reason, they stopped putting it on modern Russian ships.

Super Karakurt is no exception. Another drawback is the completely zero compatibility with the helicopter. There is not even a landing pad. At the same time, during operations to cover the deployment of submarines, the range of the Ka-27 and 27M helicopters allows them to be used from the shore. In addition, in KPUG there may be a ship with a runway and a hangar. However, note the minus.

The third minus obviously follows from the size of the ship - it is longer than the Karakurt, but its displacement is slightly larger, that is, very light. This implies restrictions on the use of weapons on strong pitching, and there is nothing to be done. But, again, if you focus on real weather, then for a significant part of the time of the year, the excitement at sea will not impose restrictions on the ship, the rest of the time it will apparently be limited to detecting a target, and will transmit contact to aviation for destruction.

The fourth minus is a narrow specialization. A ship can fight submarines and use rocket weapons, and, for example, fire along the shore - it can already be bad. A 76 mm gun is very good as an anti-aircraft gun, it surpasses a 100 mm gun in this quality, but in other cases it is inferior too - the mass of a 100 mm shell is almost three times higher, the ammunition consumption for hitting any typical ground target with a 100 mm gun XNUMX times lower.

But for us the main problem is precisely the PLO, the rest right now is in a somewhat less acute form, and the narrow specialization of the ship in this case can be neglected. Like the Karakurt missile defense system, it can strike at surface targets and use long-range Caliber cruise missiles.

The estimated price of such a ship is about 10 billion rubles, which is 2,2 times less than the corvette 20385, and somewhere 1,9-2 times less than the corvette 20380. But the most important thing is that having laid six or nine of these ships in 2020, it will be possible to equip them with engines by 2023-2024, and the first three will receive engines by the middle of 2022 at most.

Moreover, taking into account the enormous problems taking place on the "Star". This is unprecedentedly fast for modern Russia. And this makes the project simply uncontested in terms of quickly restoring the number of anti-submarine ships.

Английский язык. 2 класс. Аудиоприложение к учебнику часть 1 – Ирина Михеева

Исследования мефедрона[ править править код ] Острая интоксикация мефедроном вызывает эйфорию , возбуждение , восприятие к различной музыке , повышает настроение, уменьшает враждебность , повышает общительность [1] , улучшает работоспособность [1] , ускоряет ассоциативный процесс, повышает сексуальное возбуждение [1] , затрудняет достижение эякуляции. Такие влияния мефедрона подобны влияниям кокаина , амфетаминов и MDMA. Из 70 нидерландцев употребивших мефедрон, 58 человек назвали употребление мефедрона приятным опытом, а 12 — неприятным [2]. В опросе британских потребителей мефедрона, которые ранее употребляли кокаин, большинство обнаружило, что эффекты были более длительными, но менее захватывающими.

Rainbow English — Радужный английский для школьников

Step in the right direction. Multipurpose Karakurt Project PLO December 26 2019 244 Here it is, "Big Karakurt" On this occasion, "Russia 24" made short report , during which "lit up" the project, which previously was not worth talking out loud. But now they say. The same frame We are talking about a multi-purpose corvette based on the 22800 Karakurt project - in fact, an enlarged Karakurt in size with enhanced air defense and the ability to fight against submarines. About how this ship was supposed to be from the very beginning. A little background. Putin, led to the appearance in the fleet of cruise missiles "Caliber", the Navy acquired their carriers in the most irrational way possible - by building specialized "missile gunboats" such as "Buyan-M", with non-localized imported diesels, lack of target designation system and "no" seaworthiness. These ships could somehow accomplish a very narrow range of tasks, and only one task is good - to strike cruise missiles at stationary ground-based mostly targets. In the war against an enemy with a combat-capable fleet, their survival was and remains a huge question - neither the attack of the submarine, even the most antediluvian, nor an air strike, even from a helicopter, these ships can survive. Their first combat use was, in a sense, a surprise, but the defectiveness of such ships was always clear to experts - cruise missiles could well be on some multi-purpose ships capable of performing a wide range of tasks, moreover, Russia then had such ships now, just a little.

ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Английский язык 2 класс

Английский язык: "Поурочный словарь для 2 класса"

Россия, Адыгея респ. УМК Афанасьевой О. Rainbow English. Учитель английского языка Хот Анжели Элчиновна. Республика Адыгея, село Красногвардейское. Личностные, метапредметные, предметные результаты освоения иностранного языка английского.

план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (2 класс) по теме 3, 4 – рабочая тетрадь Конспект урока "Мы начинаем учить английский язык" во 2 . Урок английского языка Rainbow English 2 класс Step АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. 2 класс. В двух частях. Часть 1. Учебник . Step 2. 1. 2. 4. 6. 10 Поздоровайтесь друг с другом и назовите свои имена. УЧИМСЯ. Скачать: Английский язык. 2 класс. Рабочая тетрадь. (Rainbow English). Содержание Step 1 3. Step 2 4. Step 3 6. Step 4 8. Step 5 9. Step 6 Step 7

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ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Step№4 Английский язык 2 класс
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