Прочитай и соедини стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы

The weather was fine last summer. Tiny and his friends were in the mountains last winter. Were you at home last night? The house was old but nice. She was in the city. There were some letters on the table.

Нажми, чтобы увидеть ответ на свой вопрос ✍️: прочитай соедини стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы Помогите Пожалуйста. Похожие вопросы. 1 ответ. Прочитай. Соедини стрелками I и II формы 1 форма - 2 форма come - came run - ran. спросил 25 Сен, 17 от.

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ГДЗ по русскому языку 2 класс — рабочая тетрадь — 2 часть — Климанова

Найти: ГДЗ по русскому языку 2 класс — рабочая тетрадь — 2 часть — Климанова На этой странице вы найдете ГДЗ по русскому языку за 2 класс из рабочей тетради часть 2. Авторы рабочей тетради — Л. Климанова и Т. Надеемся они будут вам полезны для проверки домашней работы. Материал представлен в следующем виде: задание, если необходимо, то пояснения к выполнению возможно отсылка к правилам или подобным упражнениям , выполненный вариант, дополнительные пояснения, проверочные слова, если нужно. Если возникнуть какие-либо вопросы обязательно задавайте их в комментариях под материалом.

прочитай . соедини стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы.

The weather was fine last summer. Tiny and his friends were in the mountains last winter. Were you at home last night? The house was old but nice. She was in the city. There were some letters on the table. Выбери и обведи нужный глагол. Стоит сказать, что расставь слова в правильном порядке. Example: she, Sunday, in, last, Was, the, country?

Section 3. Example: I cleaned my room last Wednesday. I helped my mother in the garden last Saturday. I finished my work in the garden last Sunday. Исправь предложения. Example: Miss Chatter had a big crocodile. Tiny wrote songs for pop-singers last year.

Billy was in Antarctica three days ago. The boy drank cold and dirty water yesterday. Jill played football an hour ago. Tim and Tom were in the desert a week ago. Вставь пропущенные глаголы: was, were, did, could. Example: Rose was not tall and she could not take the book from the shelf.

But he did not take any sweet. Miss Chatter did not write the letter yesterday. She was too busy. Did you play this computer game yesterday? We were in the zoo. Were you at home two hours ago? I could not dive last summer. Now I can. Закончи предложения. Alex: Hello, Miss Chatter!

How are you? Miss Chatter: I am fine. Thank you! Alex: Did you visit Tiny yesterday? Miss Chatter: Yes, I did. Alex: Did he write a new fairy tale? He was very busy. But he gave me a nice book of fairy tales for you. I will go to the country next week. I will take the book.

Miss Chatter: Come and see me, Ben! Alex: Thanks a lot. Miss Chatter: Bye! Посмотри на картинки. Example: Last summer Tiny flew a kite. Last summer Tiny played tennis. Last summer Tiny caught a big fish. Last summer Tiny read books. Last summer Tiny watered flowers. Last summer Tiny had a picnic with his friends.

Прочитай предложения. Вставь пропущенные слова was или were. Example: Last autumn I was in Great Britain. What was the weather like? Did you talk to them? They were busy last night. Were you in the country the day before yesterday? We were in London last summer. Выбери правильное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву. Example: Alice …her birthday party yesterday. Example: Did you go to school yesterday? Were you in the country last summer? Did Jim and Jill go to the forest? Was Tiny in London three days ago?

Were the children in the zoo last Sunday? Did Simon take his kitten for a walk yesterday? Восстанови рассказ о Санта-Клаусе. Стоит сказать, что раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Рast Simple. Santa Claus was very busy in December. He got up early. He washed his face and hands with snow. At 7 am Santa had an ice cream and a cup of cold coffee for breakfast. Then he gave bread to his deer Rudolph. Santa took snow and cold weather and sat in the sleigh.

He flew to different countries. He visited forests and fields, rivers and mountains. At 2 pm Santa Claus came back home. In the evening Santa made Christmas presents for his friends. Being happy together! Прочитай письмо. Вставь слова вместо картинок. Dear Mag, Thank you for your letter.

My name is Helen. My surname is Macklay. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and my sister. We are twins. Our birthday is in spring, on the 21st of May. When is your birthday? My favourite sport is tennis. Betsy likes it too. I am very energetic! And Betsy is kind and merry. We like to take photos of our pets and friends. We can ride a bike and a scooter. Can you ride them?

Презентация "Проверка рабочей тетради 4 класс УМК Биболетова М.З."

The weather was fine last summer. Tiny and his friends were in the mountains last winter. Were you at home last night? The house was old but nice. She was in the city.

Section 2. What do you do to help your family? - cтраницы 39, 40

Unit 5 Having a good time with your family Section 1. My name is Helen. My surname is Macklay. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and my. We are twins близнецы. Our birthday is in spring, on the 21st of May. When is your birthday? My favourite sport is Betsy likes it too.

прочитай соедини стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы Помогите Пожалуйста

Скачать 1 Speaking about seasons and the weather Section 1. What is your favourite season? Найди и обведи слова, связанные со спортом. Вспомни и напиши известные тебе английские слова. Напиши, что ты любишь делать летом и осенью; что ты не любишь делать зимой и весной. In autumn I like to ride a bike and play badminton.

прочитай соедини стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы Помогите boutique-dart.ruьте уравнение прямой, проходящей через точки:A (0;4) и B ( ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА boutique-dart.ruай. Соедини стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы: come run see catch say begin go caught came began saw ran. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА С АНГЛИЙСКИМ boutique-dart.ruи стрелками глаголы 1 и 2 формы.


Конспект урока русского языка на тему "Изменение глаголов по числам"; 7 класс


Подготовка к предметным олимпиадам





ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Уроки русского Неопределенная форма глагола
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Комментариев: 5
  1. Леонид

    наконец в хорошем качестве!!!

  2. Регина

    Я думаю, что Вы не правы. Давайте обсудим. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим.

  3. Лукерья

    Весьма полезный топик

  4. rhaparhea

    По моему, у кого-то буквенная алексия :)

  5. sikano

    Извините, что я вмешиваюсь, есть предложение пойти по другому пути.

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